The Condition of Your Heart
My dad told me a story about how he was speaking at a conference in Florida years ago. Unfortunately, the conference was scheduled for the middle of the summer. After a brutally hot and humid day, he decided to go for a swim. Seeing that the conference center was adjacent to a lake he casually strolled down the dock ready to hop in. As he was about to take the plunge he noticed an old man sitting on a chair on the dock relaxing in the sun.
“Nice day huh,” Dad said,
“Yup” was all he got.
“It always like this in the summer?” “Yup”. Riveting conversation. Deciding he wasn’t going to get any more out of him he started to get into the water when the gentleman interrupted him.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you”
“Why not?”
With a raised eyebrow the older gent simply said, “Son, you’re about to dive into the second most alligator infested lake in the state of Florida.”
Thankfully my dad was stopped from diving into the lake that day. The truth is, it doesn’t matter if that lake really was the second most alligator-infested lake in the state of Florida, cause really, all it takes is one.
I believe that if there was one thing about your life, one thing that could take you and me out of the game, one thing that could wreck the relationships in our lives, one thing that determines whether you make it or break it, its the answer to this question:
What is the condition of your heart?
Is it unguarded?
Let me give you what I believe are a few signs that a heart is healthy
You Care instead of Criticize
Has your heart been hardened by cynicism and bitterness in the midst of trying circumstances? Or have you kept your heart soft regardless of the trials? As culture continues to lose compassion, cowards will hide behind their keyboards and criticize everyone they can find.
Those with a guarded heart who are being transformed by Christ will continue to find that the Spirit cares deeply about people. God loves people and is in the business of saving people. He wants all to come to repentance! He desires that no one should perish, but that all should come to eternal life in him. When that same God takes up residence in us we are moved by that same spirit to unleash compassion.
You Dream Instead of Debate
My family are big Disney freaks, we love the parks, the movies, and the stories. One of our favorites is a story about a young Cheiftan’s daughter named Moana, and her journey of discovering who she is and saving the Pacific islands by restoring the heart of Tefiti. To do this she must learn the art of “wayfinding” and asks Maui to teach her.
“Moana: Teach me to sail. My job is to deliver Maui across the great ocean. I should... I should be sailing.
Maui: It's called wayfinding, Princess. It's not just sails and knots. It's seeing where you're going in your mind... Knowing where you are... by knowing where you've been.”
It's a short but powerful theme thought out the movie and it is not hard to see why. Remember where you’ve been so that you can know where you are and where you are heading. This isn’t a concept exclusive to Pixar and Disney movies, by the way, it is all over scripture!
Paul uses his own past as evidence of the Gospel’s power in transforming his own heart and the future it took him,
“I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. … For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it.” Galatians 1:11, 13 NIV
Remembering where you were is key to understanding and thanking God for what he’s doing in your heart. Look at what the Psalmist writes,
“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.” Psalm 77:11
Practicing gratitude for what God has done for us through His great love and mercy in the person of Jesus is fundamental to us. Suddenly we can dream about the future. Instead of staying stuck in what has happened, we can dream about what God has around the corner!
You Hope instead of Hurt
The truth is the state of your heart is the most important thing about you. It is more important than your job. It is more important than your past. It is more important than your circumstances. It is more important than your talents or your intelligence. The condition of your heart is the number one determining factor regarding your future development.
My prayer and hope for you is that you would have a softened heart for God and that you would discover the grace, love, mercy, and hope he has for you.