Choose your Friends. Proverbs 12:26

Choose your friends.

Can I ask you something? Do you have friends? I know that’s an odd question to start with but I actually think how you answer that question is actually an indicator of your spiritual health. So… Do you have an inner circle of godly community? 

When my wife and I were dating, we went on a thrilling Zip Line tour through the Santa Cruz Mountains. I'm a huge fan of the lush redwood forests and couldn't get enough of the towering trees. As we were zipping from platform to platform, our guide threw us a curveball and asked us to guess the depth of the roots.

The whole group was shouting out random guesses, and I have to admit, I was a little nervous about how deep those roots went. But then, the guide dropped a bombshell - the roots were only six feet deep! However, what they lacked in depth, they made up for in width. The roots were as wide as the trees were tall!

It was amazing to realize that all the trees around us were connected through their roots. Our tree was part of the same root system that provided nutrients and support to the entire forest.

The experience reminded me that we, too, are connected as humans. We're all connected by our common experiences, and we have an impact on those around us. Just like those redwood trees, our actions and words can have a ripple effect that can change someone's day or even their life. Who you choose to be connected with matters!

Proverbs 12:26 states, “The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” Why do the righteous choose their friends carefully? I believe it is because wise people recognize how the right friends can equip you for life.

I was listening to a leadership podcast the other day and they were talking about three questions you need to ask yourself while you better yourself and your life. 

  1. What are you learning?

  2. How do you think about yourself?

  3. Who are you with?

Everything comes down to those three things. The most important one? In my opinion, nothing is more important than what kind of community you surround yourself with. Who you are around determines so much about yourself and your life. It affects, what you do, how you think, what you eat, even how you sleep! 

The right friends can provide you with encouragement and prayer. Dr. Larry Crab said this in his book on connecting, 

“When two people really connect something is poured out of one and into the other that has the power to heal the soul of its deepest wounds and restores it to health.  The one who receives experiences the joy of being healed.  And the one who gives knows even greater joy of being used to heal. Something good is in the heart of each of God’s children that is far more powerful than everything bad in the world.  It’s there waiting to be released and work its magic.  But you have to be connected.”

Hear that? When you and I are connected and we build real and authentic Godly community we actually can experience something truly amazing. But its not enough to just be careful in who your friends are… you have to actually choose friendship. You have to remind yourself the truth - that you and I cannot walk the christian life alone. My encouragement to you is this: Choose your friends wisely and get connected!

  • 1. Read Proverbs 12:26 & James 5:16. What kinds of friendships in your life are giving you the most joy and support? How did these friendships come into your life?

    2. Does prayer play an active role in your friendships? If not, how can you incorporate it?


How to handle Hate and Hurt. Romans 12:14


Trying to do the job alone. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10